حياة المدرسة

Saturday clubs

Creative Stars offer a variety of enriching after school classes on site. We also provide an opportunity for the children to participate in a diverse range of exciting and educational activities.The Clubs are designed to introduce the children into a new array of experiences and to help them accustom to the longer days they will experience during grade levels.

Creative Stars International school



For More Information about the School Transportation:

Please call this number:

  +966 50 131 1466

Information Technology

We aim to provide ever-present computing and network access for our students on a common learning platform, while further developing our educational practices to increase collaboration and more actively reflect a real-world learning environment.

Safety and Security

We strive to provide high and secured school area with high security cameras with full time recordings.

Health & Wellness

We Strive daily to crate a safe learning environment that meets the needs of the total child.Continuous academic growth  will be enhanced by a rigorous child- centered curriculum with additional emphasis placed on social, physical and emotional health.

“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.” 

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